Women in FinTech Friday Feature – Keren Moynihan
Meet Keren Moynihan, CEO & Co-Founder at Boss Insights. We had the pleasure of hearing from Keren, Tuesday, on LinkedIn Live on her passion and expertise as a top leader in lending. Read more below on Keren’s day to day and how she became a leading lady in the lending, innovation, and technology realms.
Q: How did you end up as a leader in the FinTech Industry?
A: Business banking is slow, risky, and costly but there’s no reason it has to be. Being a former banker working with hundreds of businesses, I experienced the challenges of getting capital. I heard the echoes from those with cash flow challenges as I struggled to find solutions. Each business is run by people, each with families, whose lives depend on their success. I understand how challenging the experience can be and know there is a better way. I co-founded Boss Insights, a financial data platform empowering fintechs, banks, and credit unions to accelerate business lending from months to minutes.
Q: What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?
A: For businesses, capital access determines survival. COVID heightened the need for digital lending. We’re proud of what we achieved during this time. Offering free technology to lenders who supported new businesses when PPP was launched, having a PPP platform ready for lenders and businesses in three days for Oracle, and most importantly hearing from our lending partners like CCBank and Carver Bancorp that we were getting funds in the hands of the businesses who needed it.
Q: What advice would you give to young women today looking to start a career in the industry?
A: Every woman starting a business today is here because of the women who came before us. Now we exist in a time where whatever we set our sights on, we can go for. Whether we have an equal shot of getting there, remains to be seen.
Q: What are you most excited about with new advances in technology today?
A: We are moving to a future where we can get more things done in less time while controlling our own data. We’re excited to be contributing to that vision at Boss Insights.
Q: As a female leader, how do you start your day? What are your tips for productivity in the midst of a busy schedule?
A: Let the goal and not the details be your guide.
Q: What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time when you aren’t working? Any tips for relaxing and destressing?
A: I miss salsa dancing, traveling and water skiing – get me in front of a body of water!!
Q: Is there one piece of technology you cannot live without?
A: Give me music + airplay and everything will be roses.
Q: Anything else you would like to share?
A: “Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring.” Let’s make 2021 a year where we fly.